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Our skin undergoes several changes

September 8, 2022
As we age, the skin undergoes several changes with age. There are a few common types of changes: Fine Lines & Wrinkles, deep wrinkles, loss of volume, and elasticity, and discoloration. These are also called signs of aging. Each one affects skin differently because we all age differently and how we age depends on our genetics, lifestyle, and environment.
The science behind the signs of aging.
Skin aging is a natural process influenced by the combination of endogenous or intrinsic (genetics, hormone, metabolic processes, and ethnicity) and exogenous or extrinsic ( UV rays & light exposure, pollution, free radicals) factors.
Fine lines & Wrinkles
These may appear around the age of 30s or late 20s. The first visible signs of aging are wrinkles and fine lines on the outer sides of the eyes, known as crow’s feet, and laughter lines around the lips’ corners. At first glance, these are only visible when we move our facial expressions then over time they become more prominent and permanent.
Loss of volume and elasticity  – As age comes slowing of the cell turnover rate and cell cycle lengthening combined with a slower wound healing and less effective desquamation all lead to skin sagging.
Discoloration – A substance called melanocyte cells that give color to the skin and protects it from UV rays. Melanin is distributed throughout the upper layer of the skin. When there’s an overproduction of melanin, it can cause differences in skin tone. Overexposure to the light whether it is UV rays or computer screens creates free radicals that damage the skin cell.
What should we do
Let’s be very clear signs of aging is normal so we shouldn’t give more stress on reverse aging.
Taking a few steps like incorporating Antioxidants, they neutralize Free Radicals and their job is to help combat the body against damage caused by free radicals and prevents cell and tissue damage along with a good skincare regime (cleansing, moisturizing, protection), a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and a healthy diet, all lead to healthy and radiant-looking skin appearance.
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